Scheduled Maintenance Report for AdvicePay
Discover the latest advancements in AdvicePay's newest release. This wave of enhancements is now currently live in our app.
Posted Aug 31, 2023 - 09:04 MDT
Discover the latest advancements in AdvicePay's newest release. This wave of enhancements is now currently live in our app.

1. We implemented constant monitoring of transaction fees which notifies us if the actual fees were different than what was expected.
2. Bug Fix: Our email logic previously notified all users who had expired DocuSign tokens, now we’re just notifying a DocuSign token recently expired.
3. Bug Fix: When an engagement was deleted, we were showing an ‘Oops…’ modal. The modal has been updated to reflect that the Engagement has been deleted.

Next Release: Wednesday, September 13
Posted Aug 30, 2023 - 15:43 MDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Release Notes.